Content children by interface, not class

Also, how I handle form labels in componentized frontends

May 16, 2020

In the margin I'm going to list phrases I searched for in vain while researching this, in the hope that this post will help others: @ContentChildren of Superclass @ContentChild parent class @ContentChildren extends component @ContentChild shared interface Heterogenous @ContentChildren

If you just want to know how to force @ContentChild to return mixed component types, skip down to “Part III.” If you’re interested in why I would want such a thing, start here.

Part I: What I Want

Every form element needs a label.

Every form element needs visually indicate if it’s required.

It needs to report any errors related to what the user has entered.

Because these things have to be done for every form element, when there are many kinds of form elements (including custom, as-yet-unimagined ones), it makes sense to abstract these needs into some kind of higher-order component. That phrasing (and to some extent this brand of thinking) is borrowed from React, but the idea is just as useful in Angular.

Doing this both correctly and elegantly is much harder than it seems, though.

I would like to say something like this:

  label="Cool Money"
  note="How much money does it take to be cool?"
  [errors]="['You must enter a dollar amount']">



That way, the input component can worry about being a good monetary input (which is tricky enough on its own) and the label can concern itself with all the textual business around the periphery.

Part II: You can’t always get what you want

However, that’s easier said than done, because to make this all accessible, I need to properly hook up the aria attributes: aria-labelled-by for the label itself; aria-described-by for longer descriptions and error messages; plus for, an attribute which is on the label element but its value should match the id of the input…

And really, I don’t want to have to say required="true" twice, but both the label and the input need to know that information. Ditto the valid/invalid state, any loading animations, etc, etc.

There’s a lot of shared state between these two components. Having to construct that shared state in the parent component and then pass it into both the label and the input, for every single input in a form… it’s not my cup of tea.

I could, potentially, write some kind of decorator that takes an input component and constructs a labeled version of that component — but it’d have to be relatively clever, I think, to transparently pass though any and all qualities of the input inside.

Here’s what I’d like to do; first, I want to define an interface that declares all the stuff an input needs to implement in order to be wrapped by a label:

export interface Labelable {
  invalid: boolean;
  id: string;
  required: boolean;
  describedBy: string;
  labelledBy: string;
  loading: boolean;
  // ...etc

Then, somewhere inside my LabelComponent, I’d like to assign those values:

  @ContentChild( ??????? ) input: Labelable;

  ngOnChanges() {

  updateInputs() {
    if (!this.input) { return; }
    Object.assign(this.input, {
      invalid: !!this.errors,
      id: this.inputId,
      required: this.required,
      loading: this.loading,
      describedBy: this.describedByIds(),
      labelledBy: this.labeledByIds()

That is, I’d like my LabelComponent to reach inside its projected content, and pass the necessary values into the Labelable input component as necessary.

This is, if not a good plan, an acceptable one! Angular is happy to fetch components by Class from projected content and let my manipulate them.

The question is simply what do I put in @ContentChild, where I currently have ???????

Angular documentation suggests a component class. But I want this to work for any component that implements Labelable. I can’t put Labelable there — angular is looking for these components at runtime; only Typescript knows about interfaces. Not only does it not work; it doesn’t compile. Passing an interface by value is nonsense.

Nor would it work if I made Labelable a class, and let each input extend it. Angular is not looking at the class of each component; it’s looking for the class. Inheritance means nothing.

What about a TemplateRef? Unfortunately, TemplateRef contentchildren are wrappers around DOM elements — they don’t return the component instance, which is what I need.

Part III: You know my name (look up the number)

@ContentChild simply cannot look for “one of a group of things with different names,” no matter how similar they are.

What Angular will let us do is lie about the names of things.

First, we create an empty injectable class:

@Injectable() export class LabelableComponent {}

This is the fake passport we’re going to give to each of our input components.

Then, in each input component, we add a provider:

	// ...
	providers: [{
    provide: LabelableComponent,
    useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyCoolInputComponent)
export class MyCoolInputComponent implements Labelable {
  // ...

This says, “hey, if anyone comes looking for somebody named LabelableComponent, in this neighborhood that means MyCoolInputComponent.”

It only makes that reassignment inside the context of MyCoolInputComponent; which leaves us free to use the same alias for different components in different contexts.

Now, we replace our ????? with this new alias:

@ContentChild(LabelableComponent) input: Labelable;

And this.inputs can now contain any component which offers that provider.

Note that this approach also works perfectly well with @ContentChildren:

@ContentChildren(LabelableComponent) inputs: QueryList<Labelable>;

Finally, optionally, I tuck that provider line into a function. This way it’s easier to remember, cleaner to write, and I can typecheck that anything adopting the LabelableComponent alias implements the Labelable interface:

export const LabelableProvider = <T extends Labelable>(component: new () => T) => {
  return {provide: LabelableComponent, useExisting: forwardRef(() => component)};

with that defined, then in my input component I can write:

	// ...
	providers: [LabelableProvider(MyCoolInputComponent)]
export class MyCoolInputComponent implements Labelable {
  // ...

If all this feels surprizing and undocumented, and you’re feeling a bit sorry for yourself, check out this github issue, where Miško Hevery himself had to consult with two other people to come up with this technique.

If, on the other hand, you think I’ve done something overly complicated, and there’s a much simpler solution, let me know! I’d love to make this more obvious.

My books are open! I am currently taking contracts for the second half of 2024. Drop me a note.